Oct 28, 2021 | Diving services, News
We were already accepted by Lloyd’s Register and Bureau Veritas and now DNV has also accepted us as an Approved Service Supplier. This means that we are allowed to carry out diving work on class vessels for the majority of surveyors in the maritime world. Our...
Oct 26, 2021 | Diving services, News
Yes, we are certified! It was a long journey. And the government takes it very seriously. But we made it and we are certified now. We are certified to clean and polish propellers in all Belgian ports. And we are very proud of that. After a polish, a ship uses 3 to 5%...
Oct 19, 2021 | Diving services, News
What can you do if a diver cannot leave the water on his own? A professional diver easily carries over 35 kg of equipment when he goes into the water. In many places, this has to be done via old rusty ladders. Sometimes several metres deep. Imagine that the...
Oct 4, 2021 | Diving services, High tech cutting technics, News
Don’t think women can’t do heavy work. Marie has cut dozens of metres of heavy steel cable and salvaged it by hand! And it wasn’t easy, because the cutting work was at water level. And to make things even more difficult, the cables had to be dragged...